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Got Pet ?

Got Pet? is a social networking E-commerce platform. Users not only can find their best matching pets via this app, and they are also able to adopt pets and ask questions by connecting with the breeders directly on this platform. Other than social networking, the app also has the shopping feature which allows users accessing thousands of pet related merchandise with informative user reviews, and they are able to purchase all necessary pet supplies via this app with helpful auto shopping recommendations



4 weeks

My Role

UX Designer

Project Lead

Project Designer


User Research

User Interview

Competitors Analysis


User Flow



User Testing


Adobe PS






  • User wondering which pet is best for them based on their situation.

  • User having a hard time to find the information about the pet.

  • User don't know where to get their pet.

  • User don't know what should be prepared.


  • Create a filter feature for searching pet based on user's interest.

  • Create a compare feature that user can pick the best one for them base on the pets' information.

  • Create a platform for user adopting pet directly from breeder.

  • Create a "one-click-auto-buy" feature that put every needs into one list with a fast check-out.

User Research

I interviewed 5 candidates who expressed the willingness to own a pet, and the interview questions include the purpose of owning a pet, difficulties that they come across, and their personal hobbits and income etc. I confirm the main users and secondary users throughout these interviews, and I created a Persona for each of them.

User Research

In-person interview with Aden W


Persona 1 (main user)


Persona 2 (secondary user)


Empathy Map

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MVP of Got Pet?

  • Search pets based on the needs of users

  • Allow users to compare pets by 

  • Find breeders based on the choices of 
    pets and needs of the users

  • Auto-select related pet supplies based 
    on the choices of pets and needs of the users

Competitive Analysis

I thoroughly analyzed 3 competitive apps: Petco, PetSmart, and Chewy, and I also tested different features in their apps. All these apps are not able to match pets with users, find breeders, and auto-select pet supplies, and only Petco and PetSmart allow users to purchase limited types of pet via mail or in-store pick up without the ability to choose color and breed. Chewy has done a good job on sorting pet supplies as a list and creating a helpful shopping platform.

Competitive Analysis


Based on the needs of the interviewees and predetermined MVP, I used card sort to create the navigation menu of Got Pet?: Home, Search, Favorite, Breeder and Shopping, and I also confirm the basic features under different menus.

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User Flow

Based on the needs of users, MVP, and all information of the sitemap, I confirm two major red routes and plan to create prototype and usability tests for them.

User Flow

Route 1 Scenario: Find a pet and adopt it from a breeder.


Route 2 Scenario: Find a pet and shop for it.



I used marker, paper, and different software to test the UI effect and different wireframe plans for Got Pet? in order to create the first prototype.


UI design

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Wire frame design

4.find filetofish.jpg
8.favorite vs.jpg

Usability Test 1

I recruited back those 5 interviewees and asked them to complete the first Usability Test for prototype 1. I observed them during the test, and I asked general questions about this app. After this interview, I marked down everything that needs to be fixed, and started making a mood board about color and content for Got Pet?

Usability Test #1

Mood board

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Usability test report 1


Prototype 1

5efd506b4b4e3f70b87d9506_3-1.Found betta

Usability Test 2

I hired 5 new interviewees to complete the Usability Test 2. There are still lots of designs need to be improve, but they are not major defects or loopholes.

Usability Test #2

Prototype 2

5.Add betta to favorite.jpg
14.Select oscar breeder.jpg
18.Shopping for oscar.jpg

Usability test report 2



I have done everything I can do for this project, and it is time to turnover to the developer. The major features of this app have been confirmed although there is still room to improve and fix, and it already met the needs of all interviewees.


If I have more time

If I have more time, I will be working on the following features:

  • Add a red route about how to allow users become breeders and  use this app to post their pets’ information

  • Complete the feature of the sharing platform

  • Complete the follow-up feature to users who adopted/purchased pets

  • Create a feature to search/add pets based on the reviews and photos that other users shared

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