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Savr Recipes

Save is a new startup that wants to make it easier for people to follow new recipes, and cook great meals at home. Many people who were excited about a certain recipe end up disappointed with the outcome, because they didn't feel the instructions were clear, or easy to execute. They've brought me on board to run a design sprint to quickly test out a possible solution.



5 days

Design Sprint

My Role

UX Designer

Project Lead

Project Designer


Synthesizing Research

Competitors Analysis


User Flow



User Testing






  • User has a hard time to understand the instructions.

  • User wants to prepare ahead of each step.

  • User gets frustrated by unexpected outcome and doesn't  know what went wrong.


  • Design a video feature for every step.

  • Add a brief introduction about up-coming step in current page.

  • Add a "chef tips" feature in each step that shows the most critical technique.

  • Add a Q&A feature at the finishing page.

Day 1. Learning about the problem

Day 1. Learn The Problem

1. Synthesized the research

I studied eight different user reports, one user interview soundtrack, and one persona, and I also categorized them in different groups with marking down their questions.

User research1.jpeg

2. Create a user map

I created a user map which clearly shows how many steps users need to take from the beginning of choosing a recipe to finishing cooking at the end, and this would help me to locate the problems.

User story.jpeg

3. HMW questions

It is helpful to clearly identify the problems and find related solutions through HMW questions.

HMW questions.jpeg

4. Pick a target user

I finalized the main user at the end because her pain points and goal could cover most of the users. I used this user as the standard to design a series of solutions.

Main user.jpeg

Day 2. Sketching Solutions

1. Lightning demos

Day 2. Solutions

I analyzed five different competitors' app, and they are “Tasty”, “Yummly”, “Mealime”, “Epicurious” and “Kitchen Stories”. I recorded how they solved related user problems, and I could use them as reference to design the appropriate solutions for Savr Recipes.


2. Crazy 8s

I picked a most important step in the preset user map, and I sketched eight different wireframes by using “Crazy 8s” technique.

Crazy 8s.jpeg

3.Solution sketch

I confirmed a most satisfied design out of eight wireframes, and then I designed the previous page and next page for it.

Solution sketch.jpeg

Day 3. Creating Storyboard for User Flow

Day 3. User Flow

1.Make a storyboard

I created a storyboard based on the MVP and the problems that needed solutions, and I also confirmed the necessary features to be added and important pages. Meanwhile, I sketched some detailed user guidelines and UI designs, and the creation of a prototype would be based on this user flow. 


Day 4. Creating a Prototype

Day 4. Prototype


I used Sketch to create eight different pages out of the user flow, and I also adjusted and deleted some added features in order to better focus on the problems that need to be solved.

1.Recipe Selection.png
2.Selected Recipe Detail-resume.png
4.Set Timer.png
3.1.Cooking Instruction.png
5.Finished Cooking _ Sharing.png

Day 5. Testing

Day 5. Testing

1.User Testing

I hired 3 interviewees to complete the usability test, and here's the result.



I used design sprint to solve Savr Recipes' problems which makes the progress be very efficient and effective, so I am able to identity the problems, create a prototype, and finish user testings within five days. I think design sprint should be applied to any design process in order to promote efficiency and effectiveness.

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