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Share B

Share B is a platform that allows restaurant owner share their place or join with others. A successful shared restaurant could have multiple owners, and they share the staff also pay the rent together. 

"Together We're Strong"

Why share the business?

Restaurant without sharing:

  • Expensive rent

  • Hard to find staff

  • Lack of customers

Restaurant with sharing:

  • Owners pay rents together

  • Staff can be shared

  • Customer can be increase if there's more choice of different kind of foods.

How Share B works ?

Users can share-out or join-in with others by create or search a post, and they can contact others for more information even schedule a meeting. Users can sign the documents if they both designed to collaborate together, and those important documents will be saved  inside both users' account. This whole process will become a "successful story" that appears on the stories page of Share B and inspire others. 

User Story-Business Owner.jpg
User Flow-both Users.jpg

Wireframe / Mock up

iPhone 11 Pro Max - wireframe-stories.jpg
iPhone 11 Pro Max - wireframe-share-out.jpg
iPhone 11 Pro Max - wireframe-join-in.jpg
iPhone 11 Pro Max - mock-up-share-out.jpg
iPhone 11 Pro Max - mock-up-join-in.jpg
Untitled-1 copy.jpg

Please Contact Me For More Information.

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